King of Shaves product and service reviews are 100% genuine and are unedited. Currently our average Service rating is 4.8 / 5 and our Product Review rating is 4.8 / 5.
These are averages of all the ratings we have received from customers. To view a product’s individual rating, and to read genuine customer comments, please go to our shop and navigate to a product.
You can also leave your own reviews for any product by clicking on the “Write a review” link.
We read all your feedback and welcome your comments, criticism and praise as this helps us improve our products and service.
Until April 2021 our reviews were managed by Bazaarvoice and comply with the Bazaarvoice Authenticity Policy, which is supported by anti-fraud technology and human analysis – going forward we are now working with which allows us a greater ability to share our reviews.
If you have a question regarding a product, a query about your order or if you require advice on shaving, skin and beard care, then please contact us today.